entropia's holistic treatments
"If you're feeling out of kilter, don't know why or what about, let your feet reveal the answer, find the sore spot, work it out."
Eunige Ingham
AYURVEDIC MASSAGES for TRIDOSHICO types (suitable for all constitutions)
Ayurvedic massage is a dynamic and relaxing treatment, balances body and mind, works on the muscular and circulatory system and is therefore useful for the removal of toxins present in the body, to drain excess fluids, to relax your muscles and mind. It is treated the whole body with sesame oil (antioxidant, moisturizer, anti-inflammatory, purifying, light), it is received with panties, on a raised bed.
M.E.S. (Spiritual Energy Massage)
The Spiritual Energy Massage was perfected by H.V. Govindan, famous Ayurvedic master who developed this foot massage where the stimulation of the reflex points of the chakras and its endocrine glands is accompanied by sounds called mantras which, with their vibration, reproduce the same frequency of the respective chakra. The treatment ends with a moment of meditation accompanied by a mantra from the teacher’s voice, who says: “From ignorance lead me to truth, from darkness lead me to light, from death lead me to immortality"
Plantar and metamorphic reflexology, facial multi-reflexology dien Chan Zone method, two different approaches, similar roots, to seek a general energetic rebalancing or to work on a specific problem of any kind (muscular, articular, visceral, lymphatic, emotional) through the stimulation of the skin receptors of the feet or the face and consequently of the autonomic nervous system.
In ancient China, among all the natural remedies for the support of well-being was also that of the use of Guasa, a treatment practiced with a small wooden spatula, Horn or jade already 3000 years ago mainly to reduce muscle problems in the shoulders and to the whole cervical area and the accumulation of toxins. The term derives from "guat" (skinning) and "Sah" (sand), probably understood as an annoying body to be removed. Many women use it as a valid wrinkle remedy on their face. Face marks are laid out and flattened through a wooden spatula.
Benefits: on the body detoxifying and decontracting, on the face oxygenating, toning, stimulates the microcirculation, attenuates wrinkles and relieves stress.
A unique secular portrait, typical of the Indonesian area (born in Java and developed mainly in Bali) and suffering not only from Indian (Ayurveda), but also Chinese and Thai influence; can therefore be defined as a kind of union between different techniques, then harmonized and synthesized in a single treatment extremely relaxing, deep and decontracting. The first part of the treatment is carried out without the use of oils or creams, in order to penetrate deeper, while the second part benefits from oils and is more relaxing, while maintaining a firm pressure. It’s a whole body massage, from foot to head.
Benefits: relaxation, reduction of anxiety and stress, improvement of blood and lymphatic circulation, elimination of toxins, rejuvenation of tissues, release of muscle contractures.
Techniques of energy perception and evaluation, cleaning and purification of the aura, chakras and energy structure of internal organs, restoration of optimal energy tone. The treatment is received seated, clothed. There is no direct contact, hands run through aura outside and chakra at a short distance.
Also called Thai Yoga because the therapist brings the patient to specific induced lengthening positions, along with digitopression on meridians. The treatment is performed on a mattress on the floor. No oil is applied and clothes remain. Comfortable clothes are recommended. Benefits: Relaxes; improves circulation; improves immune system; improves posture, balance and corrects body alignment.
The first part is carried out with an aromatic cream and a manual massage of the feet up to the knee, then you use the“kruyao”, a small wooden tool that solicits the reflex points of the organs, works between the toes and stimulates a general regeneration of the body. Benefits: circulatory problems alleviate, relaxes the mind, unlocks congestion and stagnation, normalizes the function of organs and glands.
Used to relax the chronic tensions of the muscles through very slow, direct and powerful pressures or frictions around the muscle belts. Balsamic oils are used depending on the need with different aromas, you practice wearing only a slip, please warn in advance for any allergies to oils / particular plants.
Duration • 1 Hour - € 50 (also available at home + € 15) •
Shorter appointments can be arranged, min. 30 minutes, or longer, max. 2 hours
The collective sound bath has a cost of € 30 per person with a minimum of 4 participants
with possibility of discounts or conventions with the guest's Associations
Tibetan bells and Gong are ancient instruments originating in the shamanic culture of ancient Tibet and China, consisting of different metals, the 7 planetary metals for bells, metal or copper for gongs.
The collective sound bath with Tibetan bells and gong is pacifying and harmonizing, can also be useful for physical problems related to a stagnation of energy or a crystallization. The treatments studied are based on the development of perfect wings that "match" the nervous system, rebalancing it to a more harmonious frequency in times of stress. You receive lying down, clothes, you need a mat and a blanket.
The same benefits are found in the single treatment, which can be a short cleaning of the aura with the receiver standing, or in the more detailed approaches or rebalancing of the chakras with the ringing of the bells on the body or more, By adhering to a more traditional version, the treatment with beating bells and gong, both treatments are carried out by lying down, staying dressed.
about me
After a higher education made of alternation study and work and a Master’s degree obtained cum laudem in Philosophy of the Person and bioethics at the
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan,
I found the first stable job in the field of Human Resources, feeling however at a certain point the need to assist and accompany in a way more suitable to me my fellows, choosing first the manual treatments and thus finding my true capacity of expression, thanks also to the discovery of the Dance that accomplice confirmed the body as my dimension of choice.
I started my career as a holistic operator and holistic Massage in 2017 at Alma matters in Milan,with teachers trained in Thailand, Bali, India and Nepal. In 2018 I decided to leave my profession to pursue my truest feeling and my rediscovered and renewed inspirations, full time, devoting myself as much as possible to the practice of what I learned.I continued to train myself with Wood Reflection on facial reflexology and followed other insights and, again in 2018, I started my studies as a Chief lifeguard masseur of hydrotherapy plants at Synapsy di Busto arsizio, which gave me the opportunity, through the first internship, to get in touch with an R.S.D. of Arluno (geode soc. Coop. Onlus) with which I currently collaborate with great joy treating the guests of the structure, people with prevailing physical disabilities.
I also took a course in massotherapy on diacutaneous fibrolysis (Fibrolisi Fibrogenius) with Gennaro Isabella.
Still in training and updating, I chose to focus on some treatments that I find more congenial, while continuing to deepen, on the one hand, therapeutic Massage according to a holistic but more scientific approach and close to Western medicine, on the other the immense world of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, of which I begin to know only the threshold.
Why entropy? Difficult to explain in two words. It is a term derived from the ancient Greek ἐν en, "inside", and τροπή tropé, "transformation", used in mechanics, thermodynamics and information theory. It’s a complex concept, but by simplifying a lot, we can understand it as the degree of disorder in a physical system, including, as a borderline case, the universe.
What fascinates me is how the increase in entropy, hence disorder, actually leads to a state of equilibrium. In a certain way my goal in the profession wants to fit into this path and to facilitate it, in the sense of accompanying the recipient in his inner transformation to reach balance through entropy.